Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the dancing trees

the woods they gave us
a path towards the light
follow the whispers
of the dancing willow trees


Anonymous said...

uuuu.. love this one. di ragunan dim? how was the hunting? sedih nih gw ga bs ikutan

Anonymous said...

ehh ehh dmana tuh dim?? keren2!!

nadnadnad said...

hauhauhuaha... anggep aja new york lagi musim fall... hahaha... keren yaa... makassiiii... hehehe... enak loh hunting ke newyork... hahaha... pcaya ga??? hahaha

Anonymous said...

huh...tadi gw dah post comment tuh...jadi keilang esensi men-komen deh..hwhwhhw..eniwei, fotona bagus...memancing romantisme..wekekekek.nice pic.!

tara said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa keren bangettttttttttttt XD
ragunan ya? kalo iya gw nyesel banget ga ikut wkt itu

gw mo nangis di sini
blog lo judulnya wetroom kan? biar banjir hehehe

Kezia Lulu said...

pecinta binatang y? hahahha... soooooo nipon.. ;p

nadnadnad said...

hauhuahuaha... di new york ini... hahahaa...

percaya kan percaya kan???

lulu... ini foto pohon loh... ap hubungan sama binatang??? hahaha

hahaha... iya dnk... saiia kan romantic...